Wednesday, May 27, 2009



Director: Amy Heckerling

Distributor: Columbia Pictures

Key Elements: Characters – Message

My Review:

I feel like this movie shouldn’t be that big a deal to me, but there’s something I love about it.

It may be the way Paul mixes gentle naivety with steadfast character. He doesn’t know how to dress, act or talk. But he knows how to love a girl - respect her, appreciate her and protect her. He is at once, one of the dorkiest and coolest movie characters I can think of.

Or maybe it’s that Dora is completely adorable.

I think it’s both.

...And Paul's haircut.



  • I love self-loathing complaint rock you can dance to.
  • Do you have a girlfriend?
    - Ex-girlfriend. We dated in high school.
    Do you still see her?
    - She lost weight, so she's dating a lot more now.
  • Oh yeah? Well if Kafka were alive I'm sure he'd say stop misinterpreting my novels you pretentious bonehead!
  • It seems like this whole city is one big orgy and if you actually care about someone you're some kind of chump
  • You know how there are couples that stay together just because they feel they can't do any better or there are people who are sad and miserable and live alone, but then there are this microscopically tiny group of people who get to be with the person they are madly in love with.
  • I hope someday I get to be one of those lucky people.

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