Sunday, March 15, 2009

Seven Pounds


Director: Gabriele Muccino

Distributor: Columbia Pictures

Key Elements: Concept - Gospel

My Review:

I had to chew on this movie for a while.

Ben, a man in despair over a defining tragedy in his life, is seeking atonement. Blaming himself for taking so much good from the world, he seeks a way to restore some good to it.

[Spoiler Warning]

The way he does this is to seek out people who fall into two categories: They must be in need of something he has, and they must be someone he deems worthy of his help. In the end, he sacrifices himself so that he can give one woman his home, one man his eyes and one woman his heart.

I’m not sure how to measure the ethics on this one. But I have to say, I can identify with where his heart is, and I respect that. The action he takes is an ultimate expression of love.

And we can see the Gospel in that love. Just as Ben willingly gives his life for his friends, Jesus willingly went to the cross for us. Ben’s action provides a home, sight, and a new heart. Jesus also gives a home to the lost, sight to the blind and new life to the brokenhearted through the everlasting life He gives.

A terribly thoughtful movie. Give yourself the chance to really mull over it.



  • In seven days, God created the world. And in seven seconds, I shattered mine.
  • The first time I ever saw a box jellyfish, I was twelve. Our father took us to the Monterey Bay Aquarium. I never forgot what he said... That it was the most deadly creature on earth. To me it was just the most beautiful thing I'd ever seen.
  • It is within my power to drastically change his cirumstances, but I don't want to give that man a gift he doesn't deserve.
  • You know, Ben, I keep asking you this but why me?
    - Because you are a good man.
    No, really.
    - ...even when you don't know that people are watching you.
    Why do I get the feeling you're doing me a really big favor?
    - Because I get the feeling that you really deserve it.


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