Sunday, January 18, 2009

The Jerk


Director: Carl Reiner

Distributor: Not Found

My Review:

This is Steve Martin’s first movie. Incorporating elements from his stand-up routines, the story follows the rise and fall of a nit-witted every-man.

I just love the way Steve Martin’s humor comes from the way he makes himself the butt of the joke. I’m laughing from start to finish every time I watch this movie.


  • It was never easy for me. I was born a poor black child
  • Navin, it's your birthday, and it's time you knew. You're not our natural-born child.
    - I'm not? You mean I'm gonna STAY this color?
  • “Lord loves a workin' man.” “Don't trust whitey.” “See a doctor and get rid of it.”
  • He hates these cans. Stay away from the cans.
  • For one dollar I'll guess your weight, your height, or your sex
  • Now be totally honest. You do have a boyfriend don't you.
    - Kind of
    I know this is our first date but do you think the next time you make love to your boyfriend you could think of me?
    - Well I haven't made love to him yet.
    That's too bad. Do you think its possible that someday you could make love with me and think of him?
    - Who knows maybe you and he could make love and you could think of me.
    I'd be happy to be in there somewhere.
  • I know we've only known each other four weeks and three days, but to me it seems like nine weeks and five days. The first day seemed like a week and the second day seemed like five days. And the third day seemed like a week again and the fourth day seemed like eight days. And the fifth day you went to see your mother and that seemed just like a day, and then you came back and later on the sixth day, in the evening, when we saw each other, that started seeming like two days, so in the evening it seemed like two days spilling over into the next day and that started seeming like four days, so at the end of the sixth day on into the seventh day, it seemed like a total of five days. And the sixth day seemed like a week and a half. I have it written down, but I can show it to you tomorrow if you want to see it.
  • I'm gonna bounce back and when I do I'm gonna buy you a diamond so big it's gonna make you puke.
    - I don't wanna puke.
  • Well I'm gonna to go then. And I don't need any of this. I don't need this stuff, and I don't need you. I don't need anything except this. And that's it and that's the only thing I need, is this. I don't need this or this. Just this ashtray. And this paddle game, the ashtray and the paddle game and that's all I need. And this remote control. The ashtray, the paddle game, and the remote control, and that's all I need. And these matches. The ashtray, and these matches, and the remote control and the paddle ball. And this lamp. The ashtray, this paddle game and the remote control and the lamp and that's all I need. And that's all I need too. I don't need one other thing, not one - I need this. The paddle game, and the chair, and the remote control, and the matches, for sure. And this. And that's all I need. The ashtray, the remote control, the paddle game, this magazine and the chair. And I don't need one other thing, except my dog.
    - grrrr
    Well I don't need my dog.

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