Thursday, January 15, 2009

Opening Nights

Fan-driven movies are usually released via a midnight showing. If you ask me, those nights are the best time to see the movies.

I’ve been to several of these opening night showings: 300, Harry Potter, Narina, Twilight. Though I was not a super-fan of any of these franchizes, I was glad to get to see them with a room full of real super fans. There’s a couple reasons for this:
  • First, super-fans tend to dress up. Seeing their hilariously make-shift costumes is almost like a show in itself before the movie even starts.
  • Second, there’s a more liberated viewing environment in these showings. It’s more like a sporting event with people cheering, whistling and yelling out jokes. Surprisingly, this usually doesn’t detract from the movie, but adds to the enjoyment of it.
  • And lastly, It’s easier to enjoy a movie when you’re surrounded by people absolutely thrilled by it. The enjoyment is kind of contagious.
So the next time a fan-fabulous movie is released at midnight, I highly suggest you try to get tickets.

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