Monday, January 5, 2009



Director: Jason Reitman

Writer: Diablo Cody

Music: The Moldy Peaches

Distributor: Fox Searchlight

My Review:

It has to be said that the most enjoyable thing about this movie is its writing. It’s screenplay, written by stripper/journalist Diablo Cody, won the Academy Award. The quick and clever lines she gave the characters make the movie’s dialogue colorful, engaging and fun.

Beyond that, I was AMAZED that such a cool, popular movie would have a PRO-life message. Juno actually goes to an abortion clinic but leaves when a friend’s comment sticks in her brain like a splinter and convinces her to let her baby live. Beautiful.

There’s also an interesting statement made about this importance of authentic friendship being a part of any romance.


  • You better pay for that pee-stick when you're done with it. Don't think it's yours just because you marked it with your urine!
  • So what's the prognosis, Fertile Myrtle? Minus or plus?
    - I don't know. It's not seasoned yet. …I'll take some of these. Nope... There it is. The little pink plus sign is so unholy.
    - That ain't no Etch-A-Sketch. This is one doodle that can't be un-did, Homeskillet.
  • Oh, and she inexplicably mails me a cactus every Valentine's Day. And I'm like, "Thanks a heap coyote ugly. This cactus-gram stings even worse than your abandonment."
  • So guess what.
    - What?... I don't know...
    I'm pregnant.
  • I'm just gonna go ahead an nip this thing in the bud. Cuz you know, they say pregnancy often leads to, you know... infants.
  • All babies want to get borned! All babies want to get borned!
  • ...and the receptianist tried to get me to take these condoms that looked like grape suckers and was just babbling away about her freaking boyfiends pie balls! Oh an Su-Chin was there and she was like, "Hi babies have fingernails." Fingernails!
  • Did you see that coming?
    - Yeah... but I was hoping she was expelled, or into hard drugs.
    That was my first instinct too. Or a DWI... anything but this!
  • I thought you were the kind of girl who knew when to say when.
    - I don't know what kind of girl I am.
  • So how far along are you?
    - I'm a junior.
  • Excuse me. I am a sacred vessel, alright? All you've got in your stomach is Taco Bell.
  • Your parents are probably wondering where you are.
    - Nah... I mean, I'm already pregnant, so what other kind of shenanigans could I get into?
  • I just need to know if it's possible for two people to stay happy together forever, or at least for a few years.
    - It's not easy, that's for sure. Now, I may not have the best track record in the world, but I have been with your stepmother for 10 years now and I'm proud to say that we're very happy. …In my opinion, the best thing you can do is find a person who loves you for exactly what you are. Good mood, bad mood, ugly, pretty, handsome, what have you, the right person will still think the sun shines out your ass. That's the kind of person that's worth sticking with.
    I sort of already have.
  • I think I'm in love with you.
    - You mean as friends?
    No... I mean for real. 'Cause you're, like, the coolest person I've ever met, and you don't even have to try, you know...
    - I try really hard, actually.
  • Dad?
    - What?
    Either I just peed my pants or um...
  • As far as boyfriends go, Paulie Bleeker is totally boss. He is the cheese to my macaroni. And, I know that people are supposed to fall in love before they reproduce, but... I guess normalcy isn't really our style.

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