Sunday, January 18, 2009



Director: Ben Stiller

Distributor: Paramount Pictures / Village Roadshow / VH1 Films

Key Elements: Lines –Characters – Music

My Review:

This hilarious movie is one of the most quotable I’ve ever seen. Love it.


  • Orange Mocha Frappuccino!
  • What do we do when we fall off the horse?
    - ... fall off the horse?
    ... we... get back on!
    - Sorry, Maury. I'm not a gymnast.
  • I'm pretty sure there's a lot more to life than being really, really, ridiculously good looking. And I plan on finding out what that is.
  • It's that damn Hansel! He's so hot right now!
  • A eugoogoolizer... one who speaks at funerals. Or did you think I was too stupid to know what a eugoogooly was?
  • I just thank the Lord she didn't live to see her son as a mermaid.
    - Mer-man! (cough-cough) Mer-man!
  • You think that you're too cool for school, but I have a newsflash for you Walter Cronkite... you aren't
  • It's a walk-off!
  • I'm not an ambi-turner.
  • What is this? A center for ants? How can we be expected to teach children to learn how to read... if they can't even fit inside the building?
    - Derek, this is just a small...
    I don't wanna hear your excuses! The building has to be at least... three times bigger than this!
  • Male models don't think for themselves.
    - That's not true!
    Yes it is, Derek.
    - Okay.
  • I felt like, "This guy's really hurting me." And it hurt.
  • I'm sorry I was wack
  • When I was in 7th grade, I was... the fat kid in my class.
    - Ew!
  • I was... Bullemic
    - ...You can read minds?
  • I'm sorry that good-looking people like us made you throw up and feel bad about yourself.
  • They're break-dance fighting.

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